The Government advice remains that Tenants are still liable for their rent, and that rents should continue to be paid where possible.
For your added peace of mind, we thought we’d put together some FAQs which might help to answer your queries or concerns at this difficult time.
Do I need to continue paying my rent during the outbreak?
Yes – Rent remains payable. There is no automatic suspension of rental payments during the crisis.
What if I can’t afford to pay my rent?
If you are having trouble paying your rent it is important that you inform your landlord/Estate Agent as soon as possible. Please ensure you contact us in advance of your rent due date so that we can help both you and your landlord plan effectively.
What help might your landlord be able to provide if you are having trouble paying your rent?
This will depend on your landlord’s personal circumstances but might include allowing you to make deferred payments by way of a payment plan. If this happens it is important that you don’t breach the terms of the plan.
We will be requesting the following information from tenants who unable to meet their obligations:
· Requalifying the financial situation of the entire household.
· Requesting written confirmation from your employer that you have been made redundant or placed on furlough.
· If you have been placed on furlough, you will be required to provide us with a copy of your last payslip so that the 80% payment can be assessed against the rental payment.
· If you are self-employed, we are requesting bank statements for the last 8 weeks, detailing previous income that has now ceased.
Can you help me if I’m having trouble paying my rent?
Where we manage the property and collect rent we can speak with your landlord on your behalf. We are unable to agree payment terms on your landlord’s behalf.
Our priority is to provide help and support to those most in need during this crisis. For us to do that effectively, all parties (agent, tenant and landlord) need to communicate openly and honestly.
If you have been made redundant, or you are self-employed with no income, you may be able to claim Universal Credit. If you think you may be able to claim, please visit https://www.gov.uk/universal-credit for more information.
In the meantime, we continue to wish you all the best. Stay safe. Stay healthy.
Best regards,